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Saturday, 27 April 2013

Nokia scores high marks on customer satisfaction, on average 21% higher

Nokia scores high marks on customer satisfaction, on average 21% higherWhen you post an online survey, or use a company to canvass consumers and survey their feelings over a particular product, there are a number of factors that end up being accounted for as a margin of error. 

No method is perfect, and the method used in this case is arguably prone to many of the same issues that could fall into those aforementioned margins. Yet, even in this case, the results show a significant development that some might argue overcome those margins.

Amplified Analytics conducted a detailed analysis of consumer reviews as well as the customer support responses from over 140,000 online customer reviews that were generated before March 30, 2013. The customer satisfaction is revealing if not surprising when looking at the major manufactures with each carrier in the US.

Nokia scores high marks on customer satisfaction, on average 21  higher

Nokia scores top marks with AT&T and Verizon, and is a sliver behind HTC with T-Mobile. Apple and Samsung were strong runners-up. Across all carriers, Amplified Analytics determined that Nokia had a customer satisfaction that was 21% above the average. That is a nice feather for Nokia’s hat and if the momentum continues it is another front for the competition to keep an eye on because the resurgence of Nokia and the foothold that Windows Phone 8 has gained is still largely dismissed in many circles. 

We know many of our readers are hard-core loyal to their particular brands and operating systems. We are certain some of the Nokia clan will want to trumpet a bit and that is understandable.  Instead, share with the rest of us why your Nokia works so well (or not) for you. 

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