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Sunday, 5 May 2013

HTC One selling well, but not as well as the Samsung Galaxy S4

For much of last year, the Samsung Galaxy S III practically had the top-shelf Android market all to itself. This year, though, the Samsung Galaxy S4 has a challenger with the HTC One. How much of a rival is the aluminum clad HTC One to the Galaxy S4? According to a survey of 20 Sprint and AT&T stores in the Los Angeles area, the HTC One has been selling well which has to be good news for the Taiwan based manufacturer to hear.While the HTC One has been selling like the proverbial hotcakes, the problem for HTC is that the Samsung Galaxy S4 is selling even better than its rival. While the former has been available since April 19th, the latter has been available from some carriers since April 27th. Even with the nearly two week head start that the HTC One had, the device has been outsold by the Samsung Galaxy S4 which also has had limited distribution. And while you might defend the numbers by saying that Verizon, the nation's largest carrier, isn't offering the HTC One, Big Red is not releasing the Galaxy S4 until the end of this month.As for returns, a reliable source inside a Sprint store says that the HTC One has been returned because of dead pixels and blown-out speakers, although he was quick to note that it has yet to become a major problem. Still, fewer Samsung Galaxy S4 units have been brought back to the store. Another thing in favor of Korean based Samsung is the company's larger marketing budget. A new ad for the flagship model was just added to the prime time television rotation. 
The HTC One has been selling well
The HTC One has been selling well

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